Sensibility is Overrated

I woke this morning to the dog licking my face demanding her latte (yes my dog LOVES lattes, caps and the occasional Italian Macchiato!…..Why do you think she looks waaaay too young for a 13 years old?! It’s the good coffee of course.

As I was now having my coffee with the dog, contemplating an ‘easier’ day, the fuzzy cute little tiny bird that lives in my head chirped in its tranquil little voice!

“Treat yourself today! Take it a little easier”.

I smiled…sighed and said “ok”.

The tiny fuzzy bird ‘of wisdom’ in my head_ yes it’s quite tiny at times, its continual survival surprises me_ is now flying on a mission to fetch breakfast, thinking it had convinced me to take it easy today and to just…recline and laze the day away…

The ‘other’ _much bigger in size_ creature that lives inside my head, a red silly fox, gestured at the bird, while rubbing its chin…and muttering

“Ugh!!! How pathetically impulsive!!…..Bird sees a disgusting slimy wiggly..thing! And immediately loses its mind! pitiful!!!”

Then as if it accidentally just realized I’m there..I heard it say “heeeeeey……..well you’re looking relaxed!😁’s it going this morning?!”

I responded “well fox, I am taking it easy today! I’m going to just..chill!”

As I reclined back into my chair, the ‘annoying complaisant worm-breath’ little bird flew back into the room heading to settle again into my head, and the fox?! Ate it!!!!

So I had to get busy, silly, and mischievous! And I set out to sing out loud, while chopping out wood in the forest..scaring all the squirrels, the birds, the wolf and the random bear..away

* * *

These voices in my head, were inspired by my absolute fave Jeep ad. It’s an old ad but I still love it

Covid Is For The Dogs

Silly morning…Very silly morning! But she puts up with my silliness still..

She’s 13. And I love her

What else can I do when it’s The Sabbath, and my spouse keeps confusing me about the definition of ‘work and rest’ on The Sabbath!?

He said ‘we are not to work and we are to rest’. ….So I asked a bunch of question to understand:

– Is gardening work?

– Is…cleaning the house! Work?

– Is…baking for fun, work?

– If I open up my café again?! (This one I needn’t finish my sentence as his answer IMMEDIATELY jumped on our breakfast table 2″ away from my face, took the fork off of my hand, set it down and declared):


I had no idea, an answer can get this animated and this vocal! Jumps on tables and straightens its conservative tie!!

It must be the Covid maddens causing my imagination to operate on overdrive! Not sure anymore…But the humour in this! And not much fun left in our days lately so I’ll take it..

Me: well…what if my staff could work Saturday?!

The Answer still standing there on our breakfast table, cleared its throat, took a deep breath..and responded in a semi-condescending tone “Your staff should not work on The Sabbath either!”

I said: …ok

So I went upstairs and played dress-up with the dog. Is that allowed, on The Sabbath?!

Into The Forest

It rained today..

I don’t mind the rain! It’s intimate, nostalgic, peaceful and even serene

When it finally stopped this evening…Charlotte and I went into the forest..for a stroll

The forest, started to hum…And with every step I took deep into it…it called on me to venture further and further..It wanted me to capture it…

Green moss…logs covered with beautiful patina…Colourful fungi splashing everywhere…

Endless varieties of colour and texture

I only had my phone! But tomorrow? I think I’ll get my camera out

The forest, so mysterious and I love it


This is madness.

Del BigTree, is launching a lawsuit against Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease,Why?

The discrepancies in the drug trials to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, are staggering!

“Some scientists worry that a rushed vaccine could result in what’s known as “enhancement” whereby a vaccine actually weakens a person’s response to a virus when they contract it. For example, one study on a SARS vaccine in 2004 found that some ferrets developed hepatitis, rather than a resilience to the coronavirus.” Business Insider

“I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general, but from everything I know, this is not the vaccine to be doing it with,” Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told Reuters.

“There is a risk of immune enhancement,” Hotez added

“The way you reduce that risk is first you show it does not occur in laboratory animals.” But in the rush to find a vaccine to the coronavirus, some developers are skipping animal trials, Stat News reported.

The Massachusetts-based firm Moderna started testing their vaccine on humans in March.

And now? “Operation Warp Speed”? In The United States?!!!! I am so glad…I am in Canada! I’ll tell you that!

While it has been stated that the National Guard’s function is not a law enforcement role, their roll is Public Health Service, it must be noted that the very foundation of the contact tracing program is not only tracking every individual and their contacts, but isolating and quarantining suspected individuals who are infected.

Sarasota For Vaccination Choice

* * *

Tracking individuals and their contacts. Isolating and quarantining ‘suspected’ infected individuals.

Am I alone at thinking, this is where our real fear should reside? Not over the virus??


Happy Mother’s Day.

While the world is busy today, with flowery Mother’s Day posts! For which I have no reservations! In fact, I fully support! And believe it’s absolutely wonderful!! I just want to share this ‘unrelated’ exchange, I personally experimented with, on our local fb community page in my area.

* * *

– First: My initial ‘experiment Post’ the other day, to see how many in my community will weigh in, how many will run, and how many..will stop purchasing my coffee and French macarons, as they deem me unfit, to be their baker and their coffee supplier! All based on? Me daring to contradict the ‘group’, and disturb the holy chain of..fear, that has been uniting us all, with its insidious lulling and dark deafening quiet humming.


My post:

“Finding this video (referencing 2 doctors in Bakersfield/California) this morning, is making me ‘personally’ wonder, ‘what on earth is going on’?!

My spouse warned me not to share. But why?

Why ‘shouldn’t I share?’!! I am among friends here! I am not posting this ‘publicly’, as I understand, I may get brutally attacked personally!

Thank Goodness I don’t have a thousand (we’ve never actually met) fb friends! Then I’d be in trouble 😜

The first question that popped into my mind honestly??! After watching this video, is this one:

‘What is the difference, between the way these doctors are being pressured to stop spreading ‘misinformation’_when in-fact they are spreading true data and logical arguments_and how these types of things are dealt with in….China??! Basically the way they are vastly known in China, to silence their own doctors and scientists?!’.

This is not to spread way out there conspiracy theories! Neither it is to spread more fear and anxiety!

It just simply begs the question ‘why are these two ‘very well respected and logically sound doctors, being silenced?!’


Interestingly, the only ones who weighed in on my post, were a couple ‘courageous’ female acquaintances!

Below I share some of the comments and my responses.


L – What’s the bottom line? We shouldn’t worry?

Me: The bottomline ‘according to these doctors’, is this:

– Protect the elderly and those with autoimmune medical issues. No visits to seniors homes. If you have an autoimmune health issue: wear a mask, gloves (properly) and avoid social contact with others.

– We did the lockdown and that was the right approach. Now however, is the time to figure out how to get around the collateral damage, of shutting down the entire economy.

– Basically, we need to start focusing on what to do ‘today’, moving forward. A ‘systematic’ opening up. Alberta is doing that. We need to support it. We cannot stay in complete lockdown any longer. No economy can survive. It’s not about ‘money is more important than ppl’s health’. It’s about the reality of:

-There ‘are’ lots of people whose lives are being drastically affected, due to loss of income, anxiety, and fear of not being able to put food on the table or pay their rent/mortgage.

These ppl may not get Covid, but they may lose hope in a dignified life. Suicide, domestic abuse and violence to mention a few.

– Yes, there maybe a spike, when the economy is reopened. As people are no longer in complete isolation and as they start going back to work and ‘slowly’ to their normal lives (slowly and systematically). There maybe a spike. However, we need to be informed, and ready, to not jump into ‘our own second wave of fear’. We need to expect there maybe a spike! It’s logical.

V: I watched an interview that one of the doctors did recently. He said, that all they knew was that they were being interviewed by local reporters to give them an idea of what was going on in a couple of their emergency rooms. They never agreed for the reporters to share it. One put it on FB and he said before they knew it, they had 10000 hits. Youtube was told by ‘someone’ to edit it or remove it. They have no idea why this is happening, when they simply were reading out all the data in their emergency rooms from specific dates, as requested by local reporters.

Me: V, how sad is that? Thank you for explaining how this happened!

These two doctors are doing a great job not backing off! Several scientists did! Not these two!!! Which I find, incredibly refreshing and admirable!

This is not for the sake of ‘foolish defiance’ and the ‘look at me I’m a rebel etc’! This is simply refreshing to share, for me personally, due to these very important reasons:

– These two doctors are not, fanatics. They are not out there promoting wacky agendas, for monetary gain, publicity or political manipulation!

– They are simply sharing data. They are simply concerned about ‘their community’. To me? That is honourable and even though they are in California and I’m in AB/Canada?! They’ve gotten my support.

They are an example of:

– Stand your ground, but stay truthful to the facts you are trying to educate the public about.

– Do your part. Remain clam. Don’t get dragged into fruitless media fights. And hope for the best. That’s all that one can do.

V: I totally agree with you and think it is awesome that you keep discussing it to try and figure this out. Exactly. They were discussing their community stats with local journalists and one put it on Facebook and the world went crazy. He said that everything they said, is the cold, hard facts….education for the community. They were SO surprised what the world did with this interview!

D: So confusing as to what we are and are not being told, and what is and is not true.

Me: D, very! Couldn’t agree more! And we all_understandably and expectantly_in the end, will come to our own conclusion. Do we believe all the fear we are being fed? Or do we dedicate one evening, just one, to researching numbers and data! In our area.

After we research the data:

-How many in hospitals?

– How many have perished (which is incredibly sad and I am by no means minimizing that, at all! Gosh it’s absolutely devastating!!)

– How many currently in ICU?

– How many were affected by the flue not just this year or last, but over the past 5 years?

– Study Sweden data. They are the only country who did not lock down their economy. Let’s look at the difference between our numbers ‘with the lock down’, and their numbers ‘without ’!

Then, make our very own conclusions.

Until we individually do this research (not impossible! Not fun, but definitely not impossible if we really want to stop wondering and speculating), and I believe we can, and I understand why it’s not something ‘we’ as citizens want to do, but I believe we have to. Until we do that, anyone could tell us anything. And depending on our, day, our mood and what we had for lunch, we may or may not believe it!


I wanted to share this tonight, to say:

I am personally growing more and more tired, of all this fear. Of people attacking each other if they’re pro lockdown and their neighbours aren’t !

I hope, in the coming days, more and more of us, will choose, logic! And will let go of, fear! Logic is a beautiful thing, if we pay attention. Fear, is going to destroy our very own humanity.


This past week, I’ve been putting my French Macaron baker on daily!

Today, my work was all done, and all orders were picked up or delivered.

The forest, is waking up slowly..and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

The creek that I can see from my window, is calling me to visit!

The geese are back, and they look happy with not having to adhere to any social distancing.

How’re you doing this evening?

Hope you are at peace. Hope you are not filled with fears. Hope you are relying on your logic, and not what we are being told is the truth.

We should not, live in fear. The variables we need to find the truth, are very scattered, like mice running in every direction! But we can look for them, find as many as we can and tell fear to back off.

Our inner peace, has never felt more illusive! But, let’s not help them… chase it away even further….

I Am Not Me

I was not me today!

I can say, so far, I have been holding things together quite well, since this “pandemic”, turned life upside down for us all. But, not today!

Today I broke down. Today, I cried alone.

I did this piece the other day. And today, I looked at it through the tears…It was still standing on the easel. And it looked..sad and lonely just… like I was.

Tomorrow, the sun will shine.

Tomorrow, I will be strong again.

Hope you’re well and peaceful, on this Monday evening.