My Transient Butterfly

I listened for a while! I tried not to interrupt the vast flow of scattered words jumbled with gasps and tears… I tried not to stare at all the pitiful loss of control!

‘I loved him sssso mmmuch…gasp..’

This woman! This amazing friend of mine! This incredible…woman! Why?! I kept asking myself! The spell must be fabricated by a skilled and a very charming conjurer!

My beautiful friend, who has every reason to be up there…fluttering her iridescently glowing wings…spreading her delicate beauty around those who can feel it..those who can see it!

I wanted to grip both of her shoulders while facing her, to look deep into her crying eyes, and utter ‘Butterfly, there’s soooo much sky out there! What are you doing down here?!!’

‘Butterfly, let the wind eddy your wings like you used to! Please!!! Just trust me! You can still…fly!’

Her fragile looking wings, folded and tattered, made her look heartrendingly vulnerable to my strong grip! I became afraid, what if my grip, kills such a delicate creature?! What if my grip, crushes those beautiful delicate yellow…blades?!

My transient butterfly of a friend! Let me help you…I wish I can.

Image by: Anton Darius

Author: Kat

I used to work as a graphic designer, until one day I was tragically and blissfully hit by two colliding meteors! One caused my falling in love with the world of coffee! And the other resulted in me falling out of love with the not so wonderful and nearly suffocating office culture! I left the glamour of the design world, and opened up my little café! Those were the best years of my life! I say ‘were’, because (wait! May be another time! But please do ask me if you ‘must’ know and can’t sleep tonight unless I tell you!) For the past three years, I have been living in a pyramid shape house in a middle of a green forest in the summer; a green forest buried underneath lots - I mean LOTS - of snow in the winter. I used to ‘think I still do ;)’ love the city! With its buzzing energy! I love to travel and seeing different food and coffee scenes...preferably alone! visiting ‘quirky and unusual’ places! I do not love visiting museums, hugely commercialized areas, malls and landmarks! I love old and full of heritage ‘anything’! I also love, to sit in a busy coffeeshop ‘reading quietly’ and not talking! Talking exhausts me most of the time! Watching the world unfold.. and thinking ...never does!

13 thoughts on “My Transient Butterfly”

  1. i get the feeling after reading your words how we can see a destructive process happening but can’t make it clear to the one most important to know it. your prose is beautiful, haunting and surreal

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Kat. I am new to your blog but must say your writing is beautiful and has a natural flow to it. I really enjoyed this heartwarming piece about a heart broken friend being as delicate as a butterfly … Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve just made my day mermaid 🧜‍♀️!
      Truly appreciate you. You have no idea!


        1. Got a glimpse of the shimmering golden scales ‘again’ and now ‘my morning’ is brimming with sparkle ✨ 🐬🐠



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