The Dancing Ego

My ego opened up its phone…

It had no idea what it’ll find this morning!

Work Emails, immediately jumped first on the screen! “We would like those coffee gifts baskets to include more French Macarons”. Guess it’s going to be a busy day, full of packaging and baking!

It then, scrolled down to find, a wonderful comment on my humble blog! (I hate the word blog. But that’s for another day).

As it demanded more coffee! And just when it had one foot out of bed! It suddenly stopped…

And for the next few minutes, my silly ego feasted on a wonderful comment, a friend had left earlier! Then?!…it won’t leave me alone!!!

It jumped out of bed, threw the sheets up in the air, picked one, and danced and twirled all while holding that sheet like a victory flag! Then finally tossed it at me..and ran downstairs to have more coffee! Leaving me behind to clean up the mess!

I’ll have to follow it downstairs, and plead with it to slowdown, so I can be a sensible human today!

Good morning to all the beautiful souls out there…please join me for coffee…I’ll make it.

Photo credit: Unsplsh

Author: Kat

I used to work as a graphic designer, until one day I was tragically and blissfully hit by two colliding meteors! One caused my falling in love with the world of coffee! And the other resulted in me falling out of love with the not so wonderful and nearly suffocating office culture! I left the glamour of the design world, and opened up my little café! Those were the best years of my life! I say ‘were’, because (wait! May be another time! But please do ask me if you ‘must’ know and can’t sleep tonight unless I tell you!) For the past three years, I have been living in a pyramid shape house in a middle of a green forest in the summer; a green forest buried underneath lots - I mean LOTS - of snow in the winter. I used to ‘think I still do ;)’ love the city! With its buzzing energy! I love to travel and seeing different food and coffee scenes...preferably alone! visiting ‘quirky and unusual’ places! I do not love visiting museums, hugely commercialized areas, malls and landmarks! I love old and full of heritage ‘anything’! I also love, to sit in a busy coffeeshop ‘reading quietly’ and not talking! Talking exhausts me most of the time! Watching the world unfold.. and thinking ...never does!

8 thoughts on “The Dancing Ego”

  1. You give your dancing ego a life of its own separating it from the rest of the self. I like this duality, and also the humorous element, where the ego leaves the hard work “to clean up the mess!” to the other part of you. You made me smile. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Marta, I sincerely wish for a day, (not soon), just one day, that we can all gather underneath luscious summer vines, around a table outside, and toast… to all our wonderful connection!

          Liked by 1 person

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